This recipe is amazingly easy, and brought back fond memories of early morning classes in university 🙂
1 can light coconut milk*
1 can full-fat coconut milk* (*I use 1.5 cans of regular coconut milk and a half can of water)
1/2 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup strong espresso or coffee, or to taste
3/4-1 cup whiskey, or to taste
pinch of salt
In a large saucepan, whisk together the two cans of coconut milk, then whisk in the sugar. Heat to a low boil, and simmer for 8-10 minutes, stirring frequently to make sure it doesn’t boil over. The mixture will cook down and thicken slightly. Remove from heat and stir in the espresso or coffee. Add salt and whiskey. Taste for quality control. Keep refrigerated in a sealed container (like a recycled wine bottle). The contents will separate, so give it a good shake before serving. Makes 3.5-4 cups.
Adapted from the original recipe found here.